The Sound of Music

The springs are alive with the sound of music.

The springs are alive with the sound of music.

Last Sunday, I went with four friends to Sing Along with The Sound of Music at our local, independent Red River Theater in Concord. We watched the film and sang every song following the karaoke sub-titles. All kinds of voices were singing – from the playful pitch of children to the middle gusto of adults to cheerfully wobbly, older voices.  We all loved it.

The singing was not fine in any artistic sense, but it was lively, enthusiastic, and committed. In fact, in the beginning, we sang so lustily, that we got behind Maria because we couldn’t hear her. Listening carefully, we laughingly caught up to her crystalline call.

For three hours, we sang every word, climbed every mountain and followed our dream to sing like Julie Andrews. Singing is an instant bonding experience. What was most special about the afternoon was the connection we found with each other, an audience of mostly strangers yodeling, singing, hooting and laughing. We made a singing community; out of diversity, unity.

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