This week was book-ended by labyrinths. In honor of May Day, the ancient holiday that calls in the long days of life growing again, I woke up my labyrinth by mowing its 7 circuits in the field behind my house. At the end of the week, I walked an 11-circuit labyrinth in Nashua for an event called Walk as One at One for World Peace on World Labyrinth Day.
Labyrinths have been used for centuries as spiritual meditative tools that allow walkers to connect with their inner soul voice. Finding our voice can be a challenge, especially in this time of technological distractions and the hurry sickness of our age. Labyrinths are designed to make us slow down. The path winds indirectly in to the center, which invites stillness and reflection. Then the path is retraced back out. Walking a labyrinth quiets the inner monologue creating space for our soul’s inner voice to be heard.
As the light lengthens, energizing plants, animals and humans to grow, find a local labyrinth and ignite the voice within. Here are a couple of resources to get you going.
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