Here’s a fun exercise to explore all of the permutations of your voice.
1) Brainstorm this question: What voice do you have and use or have and don’t use? For example, my list includes whiney, tired, needy, sexy, desperate, sad, loving, funny, light-hearted, assertive, snippy, breathy, held back, cross, frustrated and wise. Make an exhaustive list.
2) Pick one quality from your list, for example, “snippy.” Put a typical phrase to that, something short you have actually said before in that tone of voice. In an argument with my husband recently, I said in my snippy voice, “Are you listening?”
3) Say this phrase aloud several times exploring the full range of the vocal quality. As you repeat this over and over, you may notice a rap-like tune emerging. Go with it. Bang on the counter or your thighs to give it an accompanying beat.
4) Try another vocal quality from your list. Give it a phrase. Rap out the tune. Drum the beat.
5) String several together to make a song, a rap to amuse and connect you to you at this moment.
6) Have Fun! Let me know how this worked for you. I noticed the more I repeated my phrase, the sillier it became, taking all the sting and resentment out of it. It was amusing. I had fun doing it. Did you?
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