Sing Today

Sing Today

If you are reading this blog, you probably allow yourself to sing somewhere, even if only in the shower. Most people don’t. There are only two mainstream places left to sing in this culture – at places of worship, singing hymns or in the choir, and at baseball games. In the seventh inning stretch, everyone sings “Take Me Out to the Ballgame,” with gusto and glee. Some brave enthusiasts even sing the National Anthem before sports events, but that is out of reach for many people. Did you ever notice how people either mouth the words or sing quietly? No gusto there.
I am writing this post to encourage you to sing. Singing makes us happy. It is our human birthright. It’s part of how we communicate with each other. Singing is a bridge connecting the hemispheres of our brain. It is logical and sequential and simultaneously creative and spontaneous. It brings us into the present moment. Our body breathes deeper. Whether revving up our energy with an up-tempo tune or soothing ourselves with a lullaby, singing is our ticket home.
What are your experiences with singing? How does it make you feel?
Let’s chat.

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