10 Keys to Voice as a Spiritual Path

Assisi – Life beckons

Dear friends,

It’s been awhile since I’ve written. I am immersed in writing my book this summer. I want to share with you some key thoughts about voice. In an effort to quiet my overactive left-brain, I have been meditating before writing, connecting to that deeper connection to Source. People call it by a variety of names – highest Self, inner guides, God. This week, I asked for guidance about what my book is about. This was the answer. If you have any thoughts, questions, or observations, I would love to hear them.


The ten keys to voice as a spiritual path are:

1- Trust – Trust in your inner voice, your intuition, (which comes from the 15th century word “intuicion,” meaning “insight, direct or immediate cognition, and spiritual perception.”) Trust your soul voice. Trust universal timing.

2- Clarity – a cloudy voice is uncertain. A clear tone is free and connected to your inner channel, to your power.

3- Power – the power of voice is in the sound connected through the breath to the core, to your soul. Empowerment comes when that channel is open, the energy free-flowing, all cells focused on the wavelengths and vibrations of the voice, giving voice to the soul of who you are. Fear, negativity, conditioning, anxiety, even concern get in the way, clogging the channel like arteriosclerosis, when fats build up in arteries, narrowing the passage for the blood, your life flow. Regular clearing is required – both bodily and vocally.

The vocal channel IS the energy channel. Clear one and you automatically clear the other. When the energy channel is cleared, the voice drops into its inherent vibration, the unique soul print for each soul, each person. You can hear the difference. When the voice channel is cleared, the sound is buoyed by the free-flowing energy, infusing the voice with the uniqueness of you – your beliefs, thoughts, loves, passions, and experience.

4- Truth – The voice cannot lie. Yes, there are people who have perfected the art of hiding. But even pathological liars believe what they say once they say it. It is not connected to the soul. You can hear the difference. It is fundamentally defensive – thin and superficial or deep and aggressive. But it is not clear and free-flowing.

The truth of life is what we are here for, the truth of experience in order to know love.

5- Love – Ultimately love is what we want flowing out our mouths – praise of God in all the flavors of the universe – every God, Goddess and religion, the earth, the environment, every person, every star, every circumstance, every moment. A free-flowing voice carries love on its vibration – out to bless the listener and the world. Even singing or speaking about dark things, the core of the sound can vibrate with the soul’s love. This gives the ears that hear a blanket of peace, a salve for difficult emotions and circumstances. Hearing love opens the heart. We can rest knowing we are connected.

6- Connection – Sound does not need to be audible to be heard. We hear each other in the ether. We feel each other in the energy field. Because life looks like separation, we crave connection. Separation is an illusion. We are really all connected. You know this, but don’t always see it. Voice can bridge your forgetfulness, the veil of separation, to the whole that you are. Voice reaches out by word, note, touch and love – to share this human experience.

Songweavers, my large community women’s chorus, is an example of that. Singing together creates the connection, amplifying what is already present. People sing in Songweavers for the experience of connection. They feel less alone. They let the sound wrap around them, flow through them and buoy them up in the whole cosmos of sound.

7- Gratitude – The key to everything in life is gratitude. Gratitude is both giving and receiving, the full circle. Gratitude for each moment, each event, and each person allows us to expand into the present and not miss this precious, finite life.

8- Listen – Voice teaches us to listen, not just to the surface – the words and the notes, but to the deeper and deeper layers of truth to emotions, singular and overlapping, to the wider context of an experience, to hidden beliefs, secret desires, unconscious conditioning, all the way in to God, to the holy being you are. The voice is the barometer and soul print of each holy being. Listening deeply allows us to be who we are and know our connection to each other, We are one. Listening confirms this truth.

9- Soul – The soul guides this embodied life. The voice allows us to hear what the soul is trying to say. Silent, spoken, sung, painted, crafted, farmed, the soul voice manifests itself in all creation. Revel in its guidance and beauty.

10- God – Do not get trapped by your conditioning about the word God. You could say Spirit, but that waters it down. God is the We in all of us. God is the we and the one in We are one. You cannot see God, but you know the presence of an all loving energy. Do not confuse this loving energy with the sandbox of life’s experiences. All options are open to you so you have the gift of a wide open field in which to play. And learn. And grow and expand into your highest nature, which is God.

Don’t bother getting too hung up on whatever religious overlay you have for God. Follow your voice. Voice is the vibration of your connection to God. The soul voice sifts you down to your holiest vibration. That purity of tone is God, the God around you, within you and that is you. Just hum and you will find it. Silent or aloud, it doesn’t matter. Just hum. The door you think is between you and God will dissolve, your fundamental unity revealed. Breathe. Hum. Bask in all that is holy.


  1. Sue McKevitt says:

    Peggo, i love that you are working on your book and its taking its form. The 10 keys to a spiritual path are so clearly and soulfully written. Thank you. What popped into my head while i was reading them, and of course will disrupt the magic of the 10, is the word “Life.” I keep hearing that inner voice saying singing is life-giving. Why? Because in order to sing, one has to breathe. Without breath we are gone from this incarnation. Breath and life/prana, I’m not sure if or how this can or should be incorporated. but you know me, Gotta’ say what i’ve gotta’ say. 😊 Congratulations again on being into the book.

    • Sue,
      I was just thinking today about adding Breath, aka Prana, aka Life.
      We are on the same wavelength. Do you have any experiences that illustrate
      this for you?
      Thanks for commenting. It came through successfully!

  2. sonja gerken says:

    Praise to our combined voices….. community singing has been my spiritual home for decades and most recently (25 years) with Songweavers.
    Our daughter was married 6 days ago and without singing it would not have been the joyous, amazing celebration of 2 women’s love for each other that it was. Musical skits performed at the rehearsal dinner, a chorus of friends and family singing them down the grassy aisle to the birch arbor strewn with gathered flowers and “weeds”, “One Voice” sung by our daughter’s & daughter-in-law’s “person” and the minister, then to the reception where everyone sang “When you Wish Upon a Star” and lastly closing out this memorable event, singing show tunes around the piano.
    I would be lost without my community singing. Sometimes I feel as if I have SLAD…..Singing Less Affective Disorder from May to August when Songweavers is not meeting regularly. Singing lifts my soul like nothing else can!
    Gratitude for the aural tradition !

    • Sonja,
      You have said this so well.
      I am going to quote you about SLAD – Singing Less Affective Disorder
      I was at the Sister Singers Network Conference for women’s choruses last week and heard Portland’s
      Women in Harmony. They were great.
      I learned a lot of new songs for Hallelujah Farm and Songweavers next year.
      Yes! Gratitude for the aural tradition!

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